Application Procedure

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On behalf of the NASSP consortium you are invited to apply for the NASSP Honours and Masters programmes in Astrophysics and Space Science


2025 Application Deadlines:

Honours (All nodes) - 05 September 2024

Masters (All nodes) - 30 June 2024


Instructions for applying for NASSP Honours 2025

1. Apply to the node University you would like to attend

Options are:

North West University

University of Cape Town

University of KwaZulu-Natal

2. Complete the online NASSP Honours 2025 application form

3. Email the following documents to

1. full CV

2. electronic copy of academic transcripts (official with university letterhead)

3. copy of passport or SA ID document


NOTE: You will be notified before beginning of November 2024 if you have been selected for NASSP Honours. If unsuccessful you can then still apply for a general NRF scholarship (deadline mid-November 2024).


Instructions for applying for NASSP Master’s 2025

1. Apply to the node University you would like to attend

Options are: 

North West University

University of Cape Town 

University of KwaZulu-Natal

2.  Fill in the form below to apply for NASSP Master’s

NASSP Tracking form


ONLY if you are applying for a SARAO or SANSA bursary, there is one extra step:

3. Apply for a SARAO or SANSA Master’s bursary on the NRF system and follow the steps and if you get stuck, please contact the people listed on the grant call documents.






